- Leading niche job board for the Logistics-Supply Chain industry since 2000
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- Major source for qualified logistics candidates
- Exceptional return on investment for spend

Quality Candidates
JobsInLogistics.com is recognized as the best source to hire logistics, supply chain, transportation, distribution, warehousing, freight forwarding and broker candidates.

Extensive Marketing Exposure
We distribute your jobs to affiliate job boards at our expense including: TopUSAJobs, ZipRecruiter, Talroo, MyJobHelper, Adzuna and more.

Lower Cost-per-Hire
With our lower pricing and extensive exposure, we provide a very competitive cost-per-application and cost-per-hire.

JobsInLogistics.com has improved Schneider National's ability to find the best transportation and logistics talent. We consistently receive resumes from the type of candidate that we're looking for from our JobsInLogistics.com postings. - Schneider National
We have had more success with JobsInLogistics than we have had in quite some time. We have had multiple hires using your services and that is a big reason as to why we will look to continue our relationship. More impressive than the inbound resumes is the ability to actually search for candidates. We are happy with our results so far. - Logistic Dynamics
We’ve found someone for our Ocean Import/ Export Coordinator through Jobsinlogistics.com. I believe our new hire will be a great match for our company. This shows me exactly what kind of quality we got from your website. SO MUCH BETTER than those applicants we received from [a generalist job board]. - Cargo Logistics Intl.
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total: $1,295
Call (877) 562-7678 for larger packages and slots
Job Postings
- Purchased jobs can be posted anytime within 12 months.
- Jobs are listed on JobsInLogistics.com for 60 days from the
post date.
- Each job posting is for one position/job title in one location.
- Posted jobs can be refreshed anytime for $185 per job.
Refreshed jobs will return to the top of the job search results
and will remain active for an additional 60 days.
- Posted jobs can be deleted at anytime. Job details can be
edited excluding the job title or location, as this constitutes a
new posting.
- Jobs display immediately to the board when posted.
- Online purchases can be completed with VISA, MasterCard,
American Express or Discover Card. Invoicing is also available.
- All sales are final.
- The purchaser agrees to follow the terms of JobsInLogistics.com.
Resume Search
- Resume Search subscription allows user limited access to the
JobsInLogistics.com resume database.
- Individual resume details may be viewed up to a maximum of 100
resumes per day, 300 per month, 750 per quarter and 2,500 per
year. Additional licenses may be purchased.
- Online purchases can be completed with VISA, MasterCard,
American Express or Discover Card.
- All sales are final.
- The purchaser agrees to follow the terms of JobsInLogistics.com.
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(877) 562-7678
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9:00am - 5:30pm EST